Grooming your French Bulldog

Grooming your Frenchie should take place weekly for best results. In order to keep them looking and feeling their best you should pay special attention to their skin folds and wrinkles, as these can hold dead skin and other debris.

French Bulldogs have what is known as ‘deep tail pockets’ which you need to look after properly in order to avoid skin irritation and other conditions from developing. If this area under their tail is left dirty it can lead to infection, so it is definitely worth taking the time to clean this regularly and thoroughly. The best way to clean their skin folds and wrinkles is to take a damp cloth and wipe in all of their folds, gently but thoroughly, before drying with a clean towel. It is important to make sure the area is completely dry before finishing up the grooming as these folds can harbour moisture which makes it the perfect place for bacteria to grow and flourish.


For the ideal grooming routine, make sure the following are done regularly:

Ears and nails should be checked every 1 to 2 months, cleaning them thoroughly and cutting the nails down if needed.
Glands should also be checked every 4 to 8 weeks to ensure there is no inflammation.
Paws and pads need to be checked every few weeks. Clean and check them to make sure there are no sores or cracks in the skin.
Give them a bath every 6 to 8 weeks and only use a hypo-allergenic shampoo. As always, make sure they are rinsed off and dried completely before letting them go about their day.
In order to keep their coat in good condition, you should invest in a shedding blade, bristle or steel-pin brush, detangler and undercoat brush.

Don’t worry if you find yourself deviating a little from this guide. The most important thing to take away here is that their skin folds and wrinkles are an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and must cleaned as regularly as the rest of your pooch’s body. There are no shortcuts here. If infection takes hold it can be hard to shift, so eliminate the need by making sure these are cleaned, maintained and looked after properly.